Interesting Links about El Salvador

El Salvador Consular information sheet

Lonely Planet's Destination - El Salvador [Alternate link]. Note Lonely Planet publishes good travel guidebooks - especially Central America on a ShoeString.

Library of Congress data about El Salvador

CIA guide book - El Salvador

Map of El Salvador: from Cipotes

Information about the District of Chalatenango: from Cipotes

Maps of the District of Chalatenango: from Multimap

Do you like Pupusa's? If you want to make them yourself, here are a few web pages with the directions: 1 - dos (en espaņol) - 3 - There are at least two brands (that I know of) of pre-made corn flour that can be used para pupusas: Maseca and Goya. I got Maseca at Wal-Mart. If you can't find any near you, here are the addresses (coming)
Daily news about El Salvador from Yahoo

Speak Spanish? If so, you can read El Diario de Hoy , the Salvadoran Newspaper (en espaņol).

Christina Linehan has written several short essays that pertain to her experiences in El Salvador. They are very inspiring and are well worth reading. The essays show how important little things that we take for granted are to others in the world.
